Search Result : Total 6932


자료 검색결과
Classfication Type Title Author/Creator Year
Viol.0001 Book Bill Viola : las pasiones Viola, Bill; Walsh, John; Sellars, Peter; Belting, Hans; Fundación "La Caixa" (Madrid, Spain) 2004
Wall.0001 Book Paris project room archives Wallace, Marcel. 2005
Wand.0001 Book Art of the digital age Wands, Bruce. 2006
Warr.0001 Book The artist's body Warr, Tracey; Jones, Amelia. 2006
Weib.0001 Book Wien : bildkompendium wiener aktionismus u. film Weibel, Peter. 1970
Wein.0001 Book Art on the edge and over : searching for art’s meaning in contemporary society, 1970-1990 Weintraub, Linda. 1996
West.0001 Book Art in unexpected places the Aspen Art Museum; Jennifer West 2011
Wiel.0001 Book Blomme Wiels. u.d.
Wien.0001 Book Nonlinear problems in random theory Wiener, Norbert. 1966
Wien.0002 Book God and Golem, inc a comment on certain points where cybernetics impinges on religion Wiener, Norbert; NetLibrary, Inc. 1990
Wijd.0001 Book Mythology pictures = Mythologische Bilder Wijdeveld, Paul; LocTeam (Barcelona). 2006
Wije.0001 Book De houdbaarheid van videokunst : conservering van de Nederlandse videokunst collectie = The sustainability of video art Wijers, Gaby; Foundation for the Conservation of Modern Art. 2003
Wije.0002 Book Writing as Sculpture 1978-1987 Wijers, Louwrien. 1996
Wije.0003 Book Art meets science and spirituality in a changing economy : from competition to compassion Wijers, Louwrien. 1996
Will.0001 Book Schemes & variations Williams, Emmett. 1981
Will.0002 Book Schutz-Engel : aktiv - passiv Williams, Emmett. 1985
Wirt.0001 Book Videokunst in NRW ein Handbuch Eckhard Wirths 1988
Wood.0001 Book Selected Maria Lind writing Lind, Maria; Wood, Brian Kuan; von Bismarck, Beatrice. 2010
Wybe.0001 Book Serendipity : gevonden affiches = found posters Wyber,Paul; Gremmen,Hans; WyberZeefdruk. 2008
Xing.0001 Book Gao Xingjian Gao, Xingjian. 2010