331.4 |
Book |
Ecosophy of Felix Guattan |
2016 |
331. |
Book |
Envisioning a sustainable society : learning our way out |
Milbrath, Lester W. |
2005 |
331.47 |
Book |
박은선 / 리슨투더시티 디렉터; 박은선 |
2014 |
331.5 |
Periodicals |
문화과학 : 인류세 Anthropocene |
강내희; 이동연 |
2019 |
331. |
Book |
National identity, popular culture and everyday life |
Edensor, Tim. |
2008 |
331. |
Book |
Cultural theory : an introduction |
Smith, Philip. |
2008 |
331. |
Book |
Impacts of modernities |
LaMarre, Thomas. |
2008 |
331.509 |
Book |
진정성이라는 거짓말 |
Andrew Potter |
2017 |
331.509.7.1.2 |
Book |
Post-colonial critic : interviews, strategies, dialogues |
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty |
2006 |
331.50911.2.1.2 |
Book |
발칙한 한국학 |
Burgeson, J. Scott. |
2002 |
331. |
Book |
인간 사물 동맹: 행위자네트워크 이론과 테크노사이언스 |
Latour, Bruno. |
2010 |
331.54 |
Book |
위키리스크 |
다니엘 돔샤이트-베르크 |
2011 |
331.541 |
Book |
20세기 매체철학 : 아날로그에서 디지털로 |
심혜련 |
2012 |
331.541 |
Book |
The Media Ecology Tradition : Perspectives on Culture, Technology and Communication |
캐이시 맨 콩 럼 |
2009 |
331.541 |
Book |
미디어 생태이론 |
이동후 |
2013 |
331.541.11.21 |
Book |
Understanding Media : The extensions of Man |
마셜 매클루언; W.테런스 고든 |
2011 |
331.541.2.22.2 |
Book |
A history of mass communication : six information revolutions |
Fang, Irving E. |
2002 |
331.541.4.13.2 |
Book |
Language of new media |
Manovich, Lev. |
2004 |
331.541.5.37.2 |
Book |
Global village : transformations in world life and media in the 21st century |
McLuhan, Marshall; Powers, Bruce R. |
2005 |
331.541.6.20 |
Book |
The Rebel Sell |
Heath,Joseph; Potter,Andrew |
2006 |