Search Result : Total 7312
Image | Collection No. (Loan No.) |
Title | Artist | Year | Type | Credit Line |
Blind Cave Fish ( Astyanax Fasciatus ) | Choi&Park | Video | |||
Solo, Duet, Trio, Quartet_Multimedia | Ki-Chul Kim | Sculpture·Installation | ||||
TV Enlightment | Shin-Il Kim | Sculpture·Installation | ||||
Meditation | Min-Ha Yang | Sculpture·Installation | ||||
Exodus-Mud Poem | Eun-Ji Jo | Sculpture·Installation | ||||
pick the world up | Jeremy Bailey | Video | ||||
Cube | EIKE | Sculpture·Installation | ||||
Diary Entries | EIKE | Sculpture·Installation | ||||
Utopia | EIKE | Sculpture·Installation | ||||
Misfit Screen | JODI | Sculpture·Installation |
Classfication | Type | Title | Author/Creator | Year |
004.73 | Book | My mother was a computer : digital subjects and literary texts | Katherine Hayles | 2016 | | Book | 멀티미디어 시대의 박물관 교육 | 백령 | 2005 | | Book | 박물관교육의 기본 : Learning from museums : Visitor experiences and the making of meaning | 존 포크, 린 디어킹 | 2007 |
070.4503.6.1 | Book | Encyclopedia of New Media: An Essential Reference to Communication and Technology. Thousand Oaks: Sage | Jones, Steve | 2005 |
100.20 | Book | 21세기 사상의 최전선 : 전 지구적 공존을 위한 사유의 대전환 | 김숙진 외 | 2020 |
104.10.28 | Book | Cho cos'e un dispositivo?; L'amico; Che cos'e il contemporaneo? | Agamben,Giorgio | 2010 |
104.12 | Book | 피로사회 | 한병철 | 2012 | | Book | From being to doing : the origins of the biology of cognition | Maturana, Humberto R. | 2006 |
112.7 | Book | 아름다움의 구원 | 한병철 | 2016 | | Book | Art et Multitude | Negri,Antonio | 2010 |