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자료 검색결과
Classfication Type Title Author/Creator Year
CA.nac.0056 Catalogue Yves Saint Laurent, across the style [2023]
CA.nac.0057 Catalogue Interface of being : Shinji Ohmaki 2023
CA.nac.0058 Catalogue universal/remote 2023
CA.NAMA.0001 Catalogue The electronic super highway : travels with Nam June Paik Paik, Nam June; Holly Solomon Gallery; Hyundai Gallery; Museum of Art (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.); Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. 1997?
CA.Neue.0001 Catalogue Vinyl : records and covers by artists, a survey Schraenen, Guy; Brach, Bettina; Neues Museum Weserburg Bremen; Museu d'Art Contemporani (Barcelona, Spain); Museu Serralves. 2005
CA.NGLJ.0001 Catalogue Peter Weibel : das offene Werk, 1964-1979 Weibel, Peter; Falckenberg, Harald; Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum. 2006
CA.NJPA.0001 Catalogue Nam June Paik Award 2008 Konches, Barbara. 2008
CA.NJPA.0002 Catalogue Nam June Paik Award 2002 Wyrwoll, Regina. 2002
CA.NJPA.0003 Catalogue Nam June Paik Award 2006 Wyrwoll, Regina. 2006
CA.NKV.0001 Catalogue Ben Patterson analog Carina Heuckmann; Elfi Kreiter; Nassauischer Kunstverein 2009
CA.NMAO.0001 Catalogue 安斎重男の眼 1970-1999 : 写真がとらえた現代美術の 30年 = Anzai Shigeo의 눈 1970-1999 Anzai, Shigeo; Shima, Atsuhiko; Kasuya, Akiko; Kokuritsu Kokusai Bijutsukan (Japan). 2000
CA.NMAO.0002 Catalogue Avant-garde China : twenty years of Chinese contemporary art Nakai, Yasuyuki; Kokuritsu Shin Bijutsukan (Tokyo, Japan); Kokuritsu Kokusai Bijutsukan (Japan); Aichi-ken Bijutsukan; et al. 2008
CA.NMAO.0003 Catalogue Positioning, in the new reality of Europe : art from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary : Text Okamura, Keiko; Yabumae, Tomoko; Kokuritsu Kokusai Bijutsukan (Japan); Hiroshima-shi Gendai Bijutsukan; et al. 2005
CA.NMAO.0004 Catalogue Positioning, in the new reality of Europe : art from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary : Works Okamura, Keiko; Yabumae, Tomoko; Kokuritsu Kokusai Bijutsukan (Japan); Hiroshima-shi Gendai Bijutsukan; et al. 2005
CA.NMI.0001 Catalogue New Territories: Scotland's international festival of live arts New Moves International 2008
CA.NNGB.0001 Catalogue Gunther Uecker twenty chapters Wulf Herzogenrath; Alexander Tolnay 2006
CA.Nova.0001 Catalogue Ponos and predrasude : Pride and prejudice Hayes, Sharon; Huyghe, Pierre; et al. 2004
CA.NXCL.0001 Catalogue 만지는 추억의 오락실 : Popup museum 1 : Touch & play NXCL 2012
CA.NYU.0001 Catalogue The poetics of cloth : African textiles recent art Gumpert, Lynn; Grey Art Gallery New York University. 2008
CA.OCI미술.0001 Catalogue The Depth of Cycle 김기철 2018