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자료 검색결과
Classfication Type Title Author/Creator Year
CA.PICA.0001 Catalogue PICAF : Leaving the Island (사)PICAF 조직위원회 2000
CA.Pomp.0001 Catalogue Objet Beckett Alphant, Marianne; Léger, Nathalie; Centre Pompidou (Paris); Centre Georges Pompidou; Institut Mémoires de l'édition contemporaine. 2007
CA.Pomp.0002 Catalogue Kurt Schwitters : Centre Georges Pompidou Schwitters, Kurt; Centre Georges Pompidou; Institut Valencià d'Art Modern; Musée de Grenoble. 1994
CA.Pomp.0003 Catalogue Sonic process : a new geography of sounds van Assche, Christine; Centre Georges Pompidou.; Museu d'Art Contemporani (Barcelona, Spain); Podewil Berlin. 2002
CA.Pomp.0004 Catalogue Au temps de l'espace Centre de création industrielle. 1983
CA.Pomp.0005 Catalogue Voids : a retrospective Copeland, Mathieu; Centre Georges Pompidou; Kunsthalle Bern; Centre Pompidou-Metz. 2009
CA.pool.0001 Catalogue Fantasy is over. 아트스페이스 풀 2014
CA.pool.0002 Catalogue Low Burn : Low Voice connecting Hong Kong and Seoul 아트스페이스 풀 2014
CA.pool.0003 Catalogue The Unharvested Sea : Yuri An Art Space Pool 2015
CA.pool.0004 Catalogue Aesop - Shadows between Day and Night Art Space Pool 2016
CA.pool.0005 Catalogue Pulling from the Front, Pushing from Behind Art Space Pool 2016
CA.pool.0006 Catalogue Mistaken Empathy: Delightful Encounter Art Space Pool 2016
CA.pool.0007 Catalogue 전환극장 : Trans-Theatre Art Space Pool 2016
CA.Port.0001 Catalogue Portikus 2004-2007 : book of a sleeping village Birnbaum, Daniel; Dietrich, Nikola. 2008
CA.Prad.0001 Catalogue Prada transformer art: Nathalie Djurberg - Turn into me Djurberg, Nathalie. 2009
CA.Prad.0002 Catalogue THE BOAT IS LEAKING. THE CAPTAIN LIED. Thomas Demand; Anna Viebrock 2017
ca.prev.0002 Catalogue En Fuyant, Ils cherchent une arme 2018
ca.prev.0003 Catalogue Colorless Green Idea Sleep Furiously 2010
ca.prev.0004 Catalogue The Elements of Influence (and a Ghost) 2017
ca.prev.0005 Catalogue The world without us 2017