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자료 검색결과
Classfication Type Title Author/Creator Year
SE.Leon.0015 Periodicals Leonardo 2011
SE.Leon.0016 Periodicals Leonardo : Journal of the international society for the arts,science and technology 2011
SE.Leon.0017 Periodicals Leonardo : Journal of the international society for the arts,science and technology 2011
SE.Leon.0018 Periodicals Leonardo : Journal of the international society for the arts,science and technology 2012
SE.Leon.0019 Periodicals Leonardo : Journal of the international society for the arts,science and technology 2012
SE.Leon.0020 Periodicals Leonardo : Journal of the international society for the arts,science and technology 2012
SE.Leon.0021 Periodicals Leonardo : Journal of the international society for the arts,science and technology 2012
SE.Leon.0022 Journal Leonardo Electronic Almanac Catalog Leonardo Electronic Almanac 2013
SE.Lier.0001 Periodicals Lier en boog Series of philosophy of art and art theory : Territorial investigations 1999
SE.Lier.0002 Periodicals Lier en boog Series of philosophy of art and art theory : Screen-based art 2000
SE.LMJ.0001 Periodicals Leonardo music journal : Why Live? Performance in the Age of Digital Reproduction 2008
SE.LMJ.0002 Periodicals Leonardo music journal : Our Crowd - Four Composers Pick Composers 2009
SE.LMJ.0003 Periodicals Leonardo music journal : Beyond notation : Communicating music 2011
SE.LMJ.0004 Periodicals Leonardo music journal : Acoustics 2012
SE.Lund.0001 Journal Lund Art Press : 1990
SE.Mani.0003 Journal Manifesta journal : journal of contemporary curatorship No 3 : Exhibition as a Dream Moderna galerija 2004
SE.Mani.0011 Journal Manifesta journal : journal of contemporary curatorship No.11 International Foundation Manifesta 2010-2011
SE.Mati.0001 Journal Matiere Premiere 2005
SE.Muse.0001 Journal Museologies vol 5 num 1 Université du Québec à Montréal. Institut du patrimoine 2010
SE.NATI.1288 Periodicals National geographic : The She-King of Egypt National Geographic 2009