Search Result : Total 6932


자료 검색결과
Classfication Type Title Author/Creator Year
NX512.A54 G65 2000 Book Laurie Anderson Goldberg, RoseLee; Anderson, Laurie. 2000
NX512.G73 P45 2001 Book Dan Graham Pelzer, Birgit; Graham, Dan; Francis, Mark; Colomina, Beatriz. 2001
NX512.K37 A45 2008 Book Allan Kaprow art as life Meyer-Hermann, Eva; Perchuk, Andrew; Rosenthal, Stephanie; Kaprow, Allan; Getty Research Institute. 2008
NX512.W53 A2 1992 Book My life in flux--and vice versa Williams, Emmett. 1992
NX543 .R72 2006 Book Tacita Dean Royoux, Jean-Christophe; Dean, Tacita; Warner, Marina; Greer, Germaine. 2006
NX550.A3 R444 1982 Book Aktionen, Vernissagen, Personen : die rheinische Kunstszene der 50er und 60er Jahre : eine Fotodokumentation Leve, Manfred. 1982
NX569.A1 S26 2006 Book Dada East : the Romanians of Cabaret Voltaire Sandqvist, Tom. 2006
NX584.A1 H38 2006 Book Radicals and realists in the Japanese nonverbal arts : the avant-garde rejection of modernism Havens, Thomas R. H. 2006
NX584.A1S26 2010 Book Experimental arts in postwar Japan Miryam Sas 2011
NX584.Z9 M3938 2002 Book Mavo : Japanese artists and the avant-garde, 1905-1931 Weisenfeld, Gennifer S. 2002
NX590.Z9 S5235 1997 Book Jeffrey Shaw : a user’s manual, from expanded cinema to virtual reality Shaw, Jeffrey; Duguet, Anne-Marie; Klotz, Heinrich; Weibel, Peter. 1997
NX600.F8 A6513 Book Futurist manifestos Apollonio, Umbro 2001
NX600.P47 A78 1984 Book The Art of performance : a critical anthology Battcock, Gregory.; Nickas, Robert. 1984
NX65 .S56 1994 Book The collected writings of Michael Snow Snow, Michael; Dompierre, Louise; Michael Snow Project. 1994
NX650.A52 R43 2007 Book Realizing the impossible : art against authority MacPhee, Josh; Reuland, Erik. 2007
NX650.H67 G68 2007 Book The Gothic Williams, Gilda. 2007
NX650.L35 K68 2007 Book Words to be looked at : language in 1960s art Kotz, Liz. 2007
NX650.P6 P47 1993 Book Unmarked : the politics of performance . Phelan, Peggy. 1993
NX650.S68 K25 1999 Book Noise, water, meat : a history of sound in the arts Kahn, Douglas. 1999
NX650.S68 L52 2007 Book Sound art : beyond music, between categories Licht, Alan. 2007