Search Result : Total 6932


자료 검색결과
Classfication Type Title Author/Creator Year
ME.YCAM.0002 DVD Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media Selected Commissioned Productions 2003-2007 Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media 2007
ME.YCAM.0003 DVD true: a new sound, light dance performance 2007
ME.ZKM.0001 CD Medien kunst aktion : Die 60er und 70er Jahre in Deutschland : Media art action : The 1960s and 1970s in Germany ZKM; Goethe-Institut 1997
Mech.0001 Book De Appel : performances, installations, video, projects, 1975-1983 Mechelen, Marga van; Gibbs, Michael; Appel (Foundation : Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2006
Medi.0001 Book Satellite D.I.Y. Mediabus 2009
Meka.0001 Book The Avant-Garde from futurism to fluxus Jonas Mekas Visual Art Center 2007
Meka.0002 Book SCRAPBOOK OF THE SIXTIES : WRITINGS 1954-2010 Jonas Mekas 2015
Meka.0003 Book Jonas Mekas I seem to Live The New York Diaries Vol. 1 1950-1969 Anne Konig 2019
MFGB.0001 Book Neues Video aus der BRD. Museum für Gegenwartskunst Basel 1987
Mies.0001 Book European Union prize for contemporary architecture : Mies van der Rohe award, 2007 Mies van der Rohe Foundation. 2007
MIKA.0001 Catalogue SEIKO MIKAMI : A Critical Reader - 三上時子 記錄 と 記億 Ma Jungyeon; WATANABE Tomoya 2019
Mill.0001 Book Public Works, Unsolicited Small Projects for the Big Dig Miller, Meredith; Yoon, J. Meejin. 2008
Mill.0002 Book Dark Carnival Miller, Paul D.; D.J. Spooky. 1998
Mina.0001 Book 音樂の骸骨のはなし Minao, Shibata. 1978
Mini.0001 Book Cultural policy in the Netherlands van Hamersveld, Ineke; Willems, Cecilia M; Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap. 2009
Miss.0001 Book The archive as a productive space of conflict Markus Miessen; Yann Chateigne 2016
Mito.0001 Book リフレクション/映像が見せる"もうひとつの世界" = Reflection: alternative worlds through the video camera Mito Geijutsukan 2010
Mito.0002 Book Yasuhiro Ishimoto Mito Geijutsukan 2010
Mits.0001 Book OKAMOTO Mitsuhiro 69 artworks <1990-2016> OKAMOTO Mitsuhiro; KUDO Takeshi; HAMADA Kunio; KIBUKAWA Ei (eitoeiko) 2016
Miya.0001 Book 21_21 Design Sight Book Vol. 1 2007