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자료 검색결과
Classfication Type Title Author/Creator Year
Kosu.0002 Book 音樂の ピク二ツク 小杉武久; Takehisa Kosuki 1991
Koud.0001 Book Invasion Prag 68 Koudelka, Josef; Cuhra, Jaroslav. 2008
Krok.0001 Book Critical digital studies : a reader Kroker, Arthur; Kroker, Marilouise. 2008
Krug.0001 Book Remaking history Kruger, Barbara; Mariani, Phil; Dia Art Foundation. 1998
Krug.0001 Book R + D [canvas camping] Krüger, Lutz; Reuss, Sebastian; Klook, Carsten; Mühling, Matthias; Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus München. 2009
Krug.0001 Catalogue R + D : [canvas camping] Krüger, Lutz; Reuss, Sebastian 2007
Kusp.0001 Book Arte digital y videoarte : transgrediendo los límites de la representación Kuspit, Donald B.; et al. 2006
Lagn.0001 Book Cultural anthropophagy : the 24th Bienal de Sao Paulo 1998 Lisette Lagnado and other authors 2015
Land.0001 Book Technology Landy, Leigh. 1992
Lang.0001 Book Nashville radio Langford, Jonathan David. 2006
Lang.0002 Book K 1 : das Bilderbuch der Kommune Langhans, Rainer; Ritter, Christa; Weidner, Alex. 2008
Lato.0001 Book The science of passionate interests : an introduction to gabriel tarde’s economic anthropology Latour, Bruno; Lépinay, Vincent Antonin. 2009
Legr.0001 Book Experimental cinema in the digital age Le Grice, Malcolm. 2001
Leit.0001 Book Bernhard Leitner - .P.U.L.S.E. Leitner,Bernhard 2008
Lelo.0001 Book Digital magma : from the utopia of rave parties to the iPod generation Jean-Yves Leloup 2010
Leop.0001 Book Prix Ars Electronica : CyberArts 2000 Leopoldseder, Hannes; Schopf, Christine; Stocker, Gerfried; ORF-Landesstudio Oberösterreich. 2000
Leop.0002 Book Prix Ars Electronica : CyberArts 2001 Leopoldseder, Hannes; Schopf, Christine; Schrenk, Christian; ORF-Landesstudio Oberösterreich. 2001
Leop.0003 Book Prix Ars Electronica : CyberArts 2002 Leopoldseder, Hannes; Schopf, Christine; Ars Electronica. 2002
Leop.0004 Book Prix Ars Electronica : CyberArts 2006 Leopoldseder, Hannes; Schopf, Christine; Stocker, Gerfried. 2006
Leop.0005 Book Prix Ars Electronica : CyberArts 2007 Leopoldseder, Hannes; Ars Electronica. 2007