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자료 검색결과
Classfication Type Title Author/Creator Year
GR.Moor.0103 Program 6 Concerts '63 Moorman, Charlotte. 1963
GR.Moor.0104 Program 6 Concerts '63 Moorman, Charlotte. 1963
GR.Moor.0105 Poster Festival of the Avant Garde '64 Moorman, Charlotte. 1964
GR.Moor.0106 Flyer Festival of the Avant Garde '64 Moorman, Charlotte. 1964
GR.Moor.0107 Poster 3rd Annual New York Avant Garde Festival Moorman, Charlotte. 1965
GR.Moor.0108 Schedule 3rd Annual New York Avant Garde Festival Moorman, Charlotte. 1965
GR.Moor.0109 Program Festival of the Avant Garde '65 Moorman, Charlotte. 1965
GR.Moor.0110 Poster 4th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival Moorman, Charlotte. 1966
GR.Moor.0111 Flyer 4th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival. Moorman, Charlotte. 1966
GR.Moor.0112 Program 4th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival Moorman, Charlotte. 1966
GR.Moor.0113 Poster 5th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival Moorman, Charlotte. 1967
GR.Moor.0114 Program 5th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival. Moorman, Charlotte. 1967
GR.Moor.0115 Program 6th Annual Avant Garde Festival of New York: For Immediate Release. Moorman, Charlotte. 1968
GR.Moor.0116 Poster Sixth Annual New York Avant Garde Festival: A Parade Moorman, Charlotte. 1968
GR.Moor.0117 Poster 7th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival on Two Islands Moorman, Charlotte. 1969
GR.Moor.0118 Press For Immediate Release: Plans for the 8th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival, 69th Regiment Armory. Moorman, Charlotte. 1971
GR.Moor.0119 Poster Eighth Annual New York Avant Garde Festival.(Armory Show) Moorman, Charlotte. 1971
GR.Moor.0120 Press Charlotte Moorman Presents 8th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival. Moorman, Charlotte. 1971
GR.Moor.0121 Press For Immediate Release: Plans for the 9th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival. Moorman, Charlotte. 1972
GR.Moor.0122 Poster 9th Annual New York Avant Garde Festival/(A Riverboat Show Abroad the Alexander Hamilton) Moorman, Charlotte. 1972