Search Result : Total 6922


자료 검색결과
Classfication Type Title Author/Creator Year
CA.부산시립.0006 Catalogue New Realism Group, The Perspective of Abstract Painting 부산시립미술관 2017
CA.부산시립.0007 Catalogue 이우환과 그의 예술, 글로벌리즘 시대의 '만남을 찾아서' 부산시립미술관 2017
CA.부산시립.0008 Catalogue Departure of Busan's Art Identity : 'La Mur' GROUP Busan Museum of Art 2017
CA.부산시립.0009 Catalogue Finnish Wave Siitari, Pirkko; Hwang, Seomi 2019
CA.부산시립.0010 Catalogue Lee Ufan and His Friends II: Bill Viola ENCOUNTER Hwang, Seomi 2020
CA.부산시립.0011 Catalogue Vision and Perspective 2023 : My Young and Sad Days 2023
CA.부산시립.0012 Catalogue Post Media and Site 2023
CA.부산시립.0013 Catalogue The Past Reveals Itself to Have a Plot 2023
CA.부산현대.0001 Catalogue Museum of Contemporary Art Busan Inaugural Exhibition Sound-minimalism : Hum of natural phenomena 부산현대미술관 2018
CA.부산현대.0002 Catalogue 2018 Museum of Contemporary Art Busan Inaugural Exhibition : People Walking the Future 오거돈 / 부산현대미술관 2018
CA.부산현대.0003 Catalogue 2018 Museum of Contemporary Art Busan Inaugural Exhibition : ARTIST PROJECT 오거돈 / 부산현대미술관 2018
CA.부산현대.0004 Catalogue Museum of Contemporary Art Busan Inaugural Exhibition Tobias REHBERGER : Yourself is Sometimes a Place To Call Your Own 류소영; 김소슬 2018
CA.부산현대.0005 Catalogue Museum of Contemporary Art Busan Inaugural Exhibition Patrick BLANC : Vertical Garden 2018
CA.부산현대.0006 Catalogue 소장품 기획전 I The MoCA Collection : A Formula for Imagination 부산현대미술관 2019
CA.부산현대.0007 Catalogue The phenomenon of the Mind Facing Yourself Park, Hannah 2019
CA.부산현대.0008 Catalogue Nature Life Human Bahk, Junggoo; Lee, Haeree 2019
CA.부산현대.0009 Catalogue Gentil, Gentle: The Advent of a New Community Kim, Sosul 2019
CA.부산현대.0010 Catalogue Contemporary-Art-Business : The New Orders of Contemporary Art 2021
CA.부산현대.0011 Catalogue EMOTION IN MOTION 2020
CA.부산현대.0012 Catalogue Concerning the 'ART' 2020