Search Result : Total 6907


자료 검색결과
Classfication Type Title Author/Creator Year
CA.국립현대.0088 Catalogue E.A.T. (Experiments in Art and Technology) : Open-ended 바르토메우 마리; 강승완; 임근혜; 임대근; 박덕선 / 국립현대미술관 2018
CA.국립현대.0089 Catalogue 2017 Art Bank New Acquisitions 국립현대미술관 작품보존미술은행관리과 / 국립현대미술관 2018
CA.국립현대.0090 Catalogue 2017 Government Art Bank New Acquisitions 국립현대미술관 작품보존미술은행관리과 / 국립현대미술관 2018
CA.국립현대.0092 Catalogue 2017 National museum of Modern and Contemporary Art New Acquisitions 국립현대미술관 2018
CA.국립현대.0093 Catalogue 국립현대미술관 과천 전시《BAHC YISO : MEMOS AND MEMORIES》 2018
CA.국립현대.0094 Catalogue CRACKS IN THE CONCRETE Ⅱ FROM THE MMCA COLLECTION : A glimpse into the world gazing into eternity 박수진; 이추영 2018
CA.국립현대.0095 Catalogue Kim Chung-up Dialogue 김현섭, 조현정, 이세영 외 1명 2018
CA.국립현대.0096 Catalogue Architecture as Movement : Modern Architecture in South Korea, 1987-97 Helen Jungyeon Ku; Chung Dahyoung; Pyo Seungha / National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art 2018
CA.국립현대.0097 Catalogue What Museums Do 1 : 큐레토리얼 사이와 변주 강승완 2018
CA.국립현대.0097 Catalogue A DAY FOR COUNTING STARS : THE STORY OF YOU AND ME 박위진; 이추영 2019
CA.국립현대.0098 Catalogue 《MMCA Hyundai Motor Series 2018: CHOIJEONGHWA - Blooming Matrix》 강승완; 강수정; 박영란 2019
CA.국립현대.0099 Catalogue Vertiginous Data 마테오 파스퀴넬리; 마틴 자일링거; 박덕선 외 3명 2019
CA.국립현대.0100 Catalogue Alternative Languages - Asger Jorn, the artist as a social activist 박주원; 옥다애; 번영선 국립현대미술관
CA.국립현대.0101 Catalogue MMCA RESIDENCY ANNUAL REPORT 강승완; 임대근; 이수정 / 국립현대미술관 2019
CA.국립현대.0102 Catalogue MMCA Collection Highlights Namdo Art_Roots 장석원; 오병희; 노현경; 신지유 / 국립현대미술관; 광주시립미술관 2019
CA.국립현대.0103 Catalogue 2018 New Acquisitions National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea 2019
CA.국립현대.0104 Catalogue The Adventures of Korean Contemporary Painting: I Will Go Away All by Myself Lee, Chuyoung; Nam, Ung; Ban, Ejung; Seoung, Wonsun; Lee, Eunju; Jung, Suyoun; Jung, Hyun; Hyun, Seewon 2019
CA.국립현대.0105 Catalogue 국립현대미술관 소장품 300 국립현대미술관 학예연구실 2019
CA.국립현대.0106 Catalogue Unearthing Future Lee, Jihoi; Kim, Heyeon 2019
CA.국립현대.0107 Catalogue Park Seo-Bo: The Untiring Endeavorer Park, Youngran 2019