검색 결과 : 총6796 건이 검색되었습니다.


자료 검색결과
분류번호 타입 제목 저자/창조자 제작연도
Wirt.0001 Book Videokunst in NRW ein Handbuch Eckhard Wirths 1988
Wood.0001 Book Selected Maria Lind writing Maria Lind; Brian Kuan Wood; Beatrice von Bismarck 2010
Wybe.0001 Book Serendipity : gevonden affiches = found posters Wyber,Paul; Gremmen,Hans; WyberZeefdruk. 2008
Xing.0001 Book Gao Xingjian Xingjian Gao 2010
Xu.0001 Book Xu Tan Keywords School-Venice Xu Tan 2009
Yama.0001 Book The power of Japanese contemporary art Yamaguchi, Yumi. 2008
Yama.0002 Book The philosophy of space : ubiquitous art 야먀모토, 케이코. 2005
Yoro.0001 Book 解剖学敎室へようこそ Takeshi Yoro 2005
Yoro.0002 Book 唯脳論 Takeshi Yoro 1998
Yoro.0003 Book 考えるヒト Takeshi Yoro 1996
Yoshi.0001 Book 生活技術の人類学 : 国立民族学博物館シンポジウムの記錄 Shūji Yoshida 1995
Yuas.0001 Book 音楽のコスモロジ-へ = 음악의 우주론 Yuasa, Jōji. 1981
Z679 .B97 2021 Book The Private Library Reid Byers 2021
Zell.0001 Book Martin Zeller : the diagonal mirror ; space and time in photographing Hong Kong 마틴 젤러. 2008
Zijl.0001 Book Co-Ops : interterritoriale verkenningen in kunst en wetenschap = exploring new territories in art and science Zijlmans, Kitty. 2007
Zurc.0001 Book When attitudes escape form : Kunsthalle Basel 1969-1970 Isabel Zurcher; Kunsthalle Basel. 2004