Search Result : Total 3

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
A theater without theater
Classification : CA.MACB.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : Borja-Villel, Manuel J.; Blistène, Bernard; Chateigné, Yann; Museu d'Art Contemporani (Barcelona, Spain); Colecção Berardo.
Creator :
Year : 2007
Force fields : phases of the kinetic
Classification : CA.MACB.0002
Type : Catalogue
Author : Museu d'Art Contemporani (Barcelona, Spain); Hayward Gallery.
Creator :
Year : 2000
The anarchy of silence : John Cage and experimental art
Classification : CA.MACB.0003
Type : Catalogue
Author : Cage, John; Robinson, Julia; Museu d'Art Contemporani (Barcelona, Spain); Henie-Onstad kunstsenter.
Creator :
Year : 2009