Search Result : Total 8

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
Tractatus politicus
Classification :
Type : Book
Author : Spinoza, Benedict de.
Creator :
Year : 2009
The art of organization : foundations of a political ontology in Gilles Deleuze and Antonio Negri
Classification : 300.
Type : Book
Author : Hardt, Michael.
Creator :
Year : 2008
Giorgio Agamben
Classification : 340.1
Type : Book
Author : Murray, Alex
Creator :
Year : 2018
A grammar of the multitude : for an analysis of contemporary forms of life
Classification : 340.
Type : Book
Author : Virno, Paolo.
Creator :
Year : 2004
Aux bords du politique
Classification : 340.
Type : Book
Author : Rancière, Jacques.
Creator :
Year : 2008
Classification : 340.9.1.2
Type : Book
Author : Gorz, Andre.
Creator :
Year : 2008
Hannah Arendt : the last interview and other conversations
Classification : 340.99
Type : Book
Author : Hannah Arendt
Creator :
Year : 2016
Making things public : atmospheres of democracy
Classification : CA.ZKM.0008
Type : Catalogue
Author : Latour, Bruno; Weibel, Peter.
Creator :
Year : 2005