Search Result : Total 18

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
북디자인 101
Classification : 586
Type : Book
Author : 알베르트 카퍼
Creator :
Year : 2020
Technology and architectural aesthetics
Classification : 610.5.20.2
Type : Book
Author : 신문기
Creator :
Year : 2004
Made in Japan : 100 new products
Classification : 639.5
Type : Book
Author : Pollock, Naomi
Creator :
Year : 2014
The garden book
Classification : Abbs.0001
Type : Book
Author : Abbs, Barbara; Richardson, Tim; et al.
Creator :
Year : 2004
[Dot dot dot 15] : Asleep in the afternoon
Classification : CA.CACG.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : Bailey, Stuart; ElDahab, Mai Abu.
Creator :
Year : 2007
Simply material : to reveal the increasing essentialness of material with a compilation of brilliant ideas, and craftsmanship
Classification : Cheu.0001
Type : Book
Author : Cheung, Victor.
Creator :
Year : 2008
백남준 주제 정원 환경설계
Classification : DM525.92.3.2.複
Type : Book
Author : 이종선
Creator :
Year : 2003
Mnemosyne. History and Research in Art and Design
Classification : Ecal.0001
Type : Book
Author : Edited by Davide Fornari
Creator :
Year : 2023
Yona Friedman - pro domo
Classification : Ferr.0001
Type : Book
Author : Friedman, Yona; Ferré, Albert.
Creator :
Year : 2006
Your private sky : discourse
Classification : Full.0001
Type : Book
Author : Fuller, R. Buckminster; Krausse, Joachim; Lichtenstein, Claude.
Creator :
Year : 2001