Search Result : Total 63

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
Revolution of art by fluxus
Classification : 600.905.11.5.2
Type : Book
Author : 조정환; 전선자; 김진호
Creator :
Year : 2011
사일런스 : 존 케이지의 강연과 글
Classification : 670.14.3.2
Type : Book
Author : John Cage
Creator :
Year : 2014
X-sound : John Cage, Nam June Paik and after
Classification : CA.백남준아.0008
Type : Catalogue
Author : Nam June Paik Art Center
Creator :
Year : 2012
John Cage : essay, music
Classification : CA.Ence.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : Cage, John; et al.
Creator :
Year : 2006
Sounds like silence : John Cage 4'33": Silence today : 1912 1952 2012
Classification : CA.HMKV.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : Dieter Daniels; Inke Arns(eds.); Hartware MedienKunstVerein; John Cage
Creator :
Year : 2012
The anarchy of silence : John Cage and experimental art
Classification : CA.MACB.0003
Type : Catalogue
Author : Cage, John; Robinson, Julia; Museu d'Art Contemporani (Barcelona, Spain); Henie-Onstad kunstsenter.
Creator :
Year : 2009
Dancing around the Bride: Cage, Cunningham, Johns, Rauschenberg, and Duchamp
Classification : CA.Phil.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : Philadelphia Museum of Art
Creator :
Year : 2012
John Cage Pour les oiseaux : entretiens avec Daniel Charles
Classification : Cage.0003
Type : Book
Author : Cage, John; Charles, Daniel.
Creator :
Year : 1976
サイレンス = Silence
Classification : Cage.0005
Type : Book
Author :
Creator :
Year : 1996
John Cage Book of Days 2011
Classification : Cage.0006
Type : Book
Author : Cage, John
Creator :
Year : 2010