Search Result : Total 8

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
예술과 정치 -북한문화예술에 대한 이해-
Classification : 600.911.14.1
Type : Book
Author : 김채원; 박계리; 이지순; 전영선; 천현식
Creator :
Year : 2013
정치적인 것을 넘어서 : 현실과 발언 30년
Classification : 609.
Type : Book
Author : 김정헌; 안규철; 윤범모; 임옥상
Creator :
Year : 2012
마지막 혁명은 없다 : 1980년 이후, 그 정치적 상상력의 예술
Classification : CA.UCIM.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : 이솔; 임민욱; 김창남; 이남희; 성완경
Creator :
Year : 2012
Going public
Classification : Groy.0001
Type : Book
Author : Boris Groys
Creator :
Year : 2010
Art power
Classification : N72.P6 G76 2008
Type : Book
Author : Groĭs, Boris.
Creator :
Year : 2008
Realizing the impossible : art against authority
Classification : NX650.A52 R43 2007
Type : Book
Author : MacPhee, Josh; Reuland, Erik.
Creator :
Year : 2007
Unmarked : the politics of performance .
Classification : NX650.P6 P47 1993
Type : Book
Author : Phelan, Peggy.
Creator :
Year : 1993
Free speech zone : Michael Patterson-Carver : selected works 2006-2010
Classification : PATT.0001
Type : Book
Author : Michael Patterson-Carver; Harrell Fletcher
Creator :
Year : 2010