Search Result : Total 5

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
Cybernetics; or, Control and communication in the animal and the machine
Classification : Q175 .W6516 1961
Type : Book
Author : Wiener, Norbert.
Creator :
Year : 1961
The human use of human beings : cybernetics and society
Classification : Q310 .W5 1988
Type : Book
Author : Wiener, Norbert.
Creator :
Year : 1988
Invention : the care and feeding of ideas
Classification : T15.W65 1993
Type : Book
Author : Wiener, Norbert.
Creator :
Year : 1994
Nonlinear problems in random theory
Classification : Wien.0001
Type : Book
Author : Wiener, Norbert.
Creator :
Year : 1966
God and Golem, inc a comment on certain points where cybernetics impinges on religion
Classification : Wien.0002
Type : Book
Author : Wiener, Norbert; NetLibrary, Inc.
Creator :
Year : 1990