Search Result : Total 9

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
John Cage Performs James Joyce
Classification : ME.Cage.0041
Type : BetaCam SP
Author : James Joyce; Takahiko iimura; John Cage
Creator :
Year : 2005
Filmmakers:Takahiko iimura
Classification : ME.Iimu.0003
Type : DVD
Author : Takahiko iimura
Creator :
Year : 2005
The Dvd Art of Takahiko iimura
Classification : ME.Taka.0001
Type : DVD
Author : Takahiko iimura
Creator :
Year : 2006
Fluxus Replayed
Classification : ME.Taka.0002
Type : DVD
Author : Takahiko Iimura; Fluxus (Group of artists)
Creator :
Year : 2005
Yoko Ono: This is not here
Classification : ME.Taka.0003
Type : DVD
Author : Takahiko Iimura
Creator :
Year : 2005
Takahiko iimura "John Cage Performs James Joyce"
Classification : ME.Taka.0004
Type : DVD
Author : Takahiko Iimura; John Cage; James Joyce
Creator :
Year : 2005
Experiments in New York
Classification : ME.Taka.0005
Type : DVD
Author : Takahiko iimura
Creator :
Year : 2006
Cine Dance: The Butoh of Tatsumi Hijikata "Rose Colored Dance"
Classification : ME.Taka.0006
Type : VHS
Author : Takahiko Iimura; Tatsumi Hijikata
Creator :
Year : 2001
Takahiko Iimura: 60s experiments
Classification : ME.Taka.0007
Type : VHS
Author : Takahiko Iimura
Creator :
Year : 1999