Search Result : Total 5

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
25 Fluxus stories
Classification : Ruhe.0001
Type : Book
Author : Ruhe, Harry.
Creator :
Year : 1998
Multiples, et cetera
Classification : Ruhe.0002
Type : Book
Author : Ruhe, Harry.
Creator :
Year : 1991
Francesco Conz Publisher, Collector, Fetishist
Classification : Ruhe.0003
Type : Book
Author : Ruhe, Harry.
Creator :
Year : 2010
Fluxus, the most radical and experimental art movement of the sixties
Classification : Ruhe.0004
Type : Book
Author : Ruhe, Harry.
Creator :
Year : 1979
A Fluxus Story : 1981 AKI FLUXFEST 2021
Classification : Ruhe.0005
Type : Book
Author : Ruhe, Harry.
Creator :
Year : 2021