Search Result : Total 3

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
New sensitivity : Czech sculpture of the 1960s-1980s
Classification : CA.CNG.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : National Gallery
Creator :
Year : 2010
Dada : Zurich, Berlin, Hannover, Cologne, New York, Paris
Classification : CA.Moma.0003
Type : Catalogue
Author : Dickerman, Leah; Doherty, Brigid; Centre Georges Pompidou; National Gallery of Art (U.S.); Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.).
Creator :
Year : 2005
Von der Aktionsmalerei zum Aktionismus : Wien 1960-1965 = From action painting to actionism : Vienna 1960-1965
Classification : CA.MuFr.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : Brus, Günter; Museum Fridericianum; Kunstmuseum Winterthur; Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.
Creator :
Year : 1988