Search Result : Total 6

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
Ways of Curating
Classification : 606.13
Type : Book
Author : Hans Ulrich Obrist
Creator :
Year : 2020
Yoko Ono, to the light
Classification : CA.Serp.0002
Type : Catalogue
Author : Kathryn Rattee;  Yōko Ono;  Julia Peyton-Jones;  Hans Ulrich Obrist;  Alexandra Munroe;  Serpentine Gallery
Creator :
Year : 2012
Francis Alys: El Gringo
Classification : ME.Alys.0001
Type : DVD
Author : Francis Alys interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist
Creator :
Year : 2003
David Claerbout: Le Moment
Classification : ME.Clae.0001
Type : DVD
Author : David Claerbout by Hans Ulrich Obrist
Creator :
Year : 2003
Pierre Huyghe: I jedi
Classification : ME.Huyg.0001
Type : DVD
Author : Pierre Huyghe interview vy Hans Ulrich Obrist
Creator :
Year : 2003
Joan Joans: Waltz
Classification : ME.Joan.0001
Type : DVD
Author : Joan Joans interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist
Creator :
Year : 2003