Search Result : Total 17

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
AR.Ishi.01.0047 Sogetsu Contemporary Series 17: John Cage David Tudor: Brochure: October, 1962
Classification : AR.Ishi.01.0047
Type : Archives Item
Author : Cage, John; Tudor, David.
Creator : Ishida, Kazushi.
Year : 1962
AR.Ishi.01.0048 Sogetsu Contemporary Series 17: John Cage David Tudor: Program: October, 1962
Classification : AR.Ishi.01.0048
Type : Archives Item
Author : Cage, John; Tudor, David.
Creator : Ishida, Kazushi.
Year : 1962
AR.Ishi.01.0049 Sogetsu Contemporary Series 17: John Cage David Tudor: Ticket: October, 1962
Classification : AR.Ishi.01.0049
Type : Archives Item
Author : Cage, John; Tudor, David.
Creator : Ishida, Kazushi.
Year : 1962
Nam June Paik : electronic art
Classification : CA.Boni.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : Paik, Nam June; Cage, John; Galeria Bonino, New York.
Creator :
Year : 1965
John Cage : essay, music
Classification : CA.Ence.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : Cage, John; et al.
Creator :
Year : 2006
The anarchy of silence : John Cage and experimental art
Classification : CA.MACB.0003
Type : Catalogue
Author : Cage, John; Robinson, Julia; Museu d'Art Contemporani (Barcelona, Spain); Henie-Onstad kunstsenter.
Creator :
Year : 2009
I love art II : in quest of the concept of contemporary art
Classification : CA.Wata.0005
Type : Catalogue
Author : Kawara, On; Polke, Sigmar; Gilbert & George; Judd, Donald; LeWitt, Sol; Cage, John; et al.
Creator :
Year : 1992
Silence : lectures and writings
Classification : Cage.0001
Type : Book
Author : Cage, John.
Creator :
Year : 1973
John Cage : 26 declarations au sujet de Marcel Duchamp = 26 statements re Duchamp
Classification : Cage.0002
Type : Book
Author : Cage, John; Blanc, Iris.
Creator :
Year : 2004
John Cage Pour les oiseaux : entretiens avec Daniel Charles
Classification : Cage.0003
Type : Book
Author : Cage, John; Charles, Daniel.
Creator :
Year : 1976