Search Result : Total 6

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
The Unharvested Sea : Yuri An
Classification : CA.pool.0003
Type : Catalogue
Author : Art Space Pool
Creator :
Year : 2015
Aesop - Shadows between Day and Night
Classification : CA.pool.0004
Type : Catalogue
Author : Art Space Pool
Creator :
Year : 2016
Pulling from the Front, Pushing from Behind
Classification : CA.pool.0005
Type : Catalogue
Author : Art Space Pool
Creator :
Year : 2016
Mistaken Empathy: Delightful Encounter
Classification : CA.pool.0006
Type : Catalogue
Author : Art Space Pool
Creator :
Year : 2016
전환극장 : Trans-Theatre
Classification : CA.pool.0007
Type : Catalogue
Author : Art Space Pool
Creator :
Year : 2016
Forum A : 재창간 특집호
Classification : SE.pool.0001
Type : Journal
Author : Art Space Pool
Creator :
Year : 2017