Search Result : Total 44

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
Hannah Arendt : the last interview and other conversations
Classification : 340.99
Type : Book
Author : Hannah Arendt
Creator :
Year : 2016
Gift of NJP 1 Shifting Perspectives, the Notion of Time
Classification : 백남준아.0003
Type : Book
Author : Hannah Higgins; Suki Kim; Seongho Haam; Midori Yamamura; Mary Bauermeister; Youngchul Lee; Jinsok Kim; Bazon Brock; Jinkyung Yi
Creator :
Year : 2009
An architecture of interaction
Classification : Best.0001
Type : Book
Author : Best, Anna; Maas, Wietske.
Creator :
Year : 2007
Mutual causality in Buddhism and general systems theory : the dharma of natural systems
Classification : BQ4240 .M33 1991
Type : Book
Author : Macy, Joanna.
Creator :
Year : 1991
The phenomenon of the Mind Facing Yourself
Classification : CA.부산현대.0007
Type : Catalogue
Author : Park, Hannah
Creator :
Year : 2019
Paintings & films
Classification : CA.Abbe.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : Sasnal, Wilhelm; Esche, Charles; Öktem, Esra Sarigedik; Cichocki, Sebastian; Mytkowska, Joanna; Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum
Creator :
Year : 2006
Johanna Billing's works #3, #4, #5
Classification : CA.Bill.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : Billing, Johanna
Creator :
Year : 2003
Johanna Billing Tiny Movements
Classification : CA.Bill.0002
Type : Catalogue
Author : Billing, Johanna
Creator :
Year : 2009
Johanna Billing Pulheim Jam Session
Classification : CA.Bill.0003
Type : Catalogue
Author : Billing, Johanna
Creator :
Year : 2011
Johanna Billing Look behind us, a blue sky
Classification : CA.Bill.0004
Type : Catalogue
Author : Billing, Johanna
Creator :
Year : 2007