Search Result : Total 4

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
Rethinking the Datafied Society
Classification : 331.5412
Type : Book
Author : 이광석
Creator :
Year : 2017
디지털의 배신 : 플랫폼 자본주의와 테크놀로지의 유혹
Classification : 331.5412
Type : Book
Author : 이광석
Creator :
Year : 2020
The Impure Technologies
Classification : 331.5412
Type : Book
Author : 이광석; 원용진; 김상민; 이길호; 이영준; 임태훈; 조동원; 최빛나; 송수연
Creator :
Year : 2014
The Art and Cultural Politics of Cyber Avant-gardes
Classification : 600.1.10.6
Type : Book
Author : Lee,Kwang-Suk
Creator :
Year : 2010