Search Result : Total 73

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
Incheon Art Platform: Artist-in-Residence program 2019
Classification : CA.인천아트.0011
Type : Catalogue
Creator :
Year : 2020
the International SUMUK Workshop of the 2021 Jeonnam International SUMUK Biennale
Classification : CA.전남수묵.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author :
Creator :
Year : 2021
Splendor of Monochrome
Classification : CA.전남수묵.0002
Type : Catalogue
Author :
Creator :
Year : 2021
Changwon Sculpture Biennale : the shadow of the moon
Classification : CA.창원조각.0001
Type : Catalogue
Author : 창원조각비엔날레 추진위원회
Creator :
Year : 2014
Changwon Sculpture Biennale : non-sculpture : light or flexible
Classification : CA.창원조각.0002
Type : Catalogue
Author : 창원조각비엔날레 추진위원회
Creator :
Year : 2020
Changwon Sculpture Biennale : Channel: Wave-Particle Duality
Classification : CA.창원조각.0003
Type : Catalogue
Author : 창원조각비엔날레 추진위원회
Creator :
Year : 2022
2018 청주시립미술관·우한미술관 국제교류전 : 우한 · 인상 : 중국, 우한미술의 현장
Classification : CA.청주시립.0005
Type : Catalogue
Author :
Creator : 청주시립미술관; 우한미술관
Year : 2018
2018 CMOA Daecheong Exhibition Support Competition - Slightly inclined ears
Classification : CA.청주시립.0006
Type : Catalogue
Author :
Creator : 청주시립미술관
Year : 2018
2018 CMOA Daecheong Exhibition : The Point of View
Classification : CA.청주시립.0007
Type : Catalogue
Author :
Creator : 청주시립미술관
Year : 2018
Artists of Tomorrow 2018
Classification : CA.청주시립.0008
Type : Catalogue
Author :
Creator : 청주시립미술관
Year : 2018