Search Result : Total 89

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
AR.Ishi.01.0080 Sogetsu Art Center: new direction 6: Brochure: November, 1964
Classification : AR.Ishi.01.0080
Type : Archives Item
Author : Sogetsu Art Center
Creator : Ishida, Kazushi.
Year : 1964
AR.Ishi.01.0081 Sogetsu Art Center: new direction 6: Program Memo: November, 1964
Classification : AR.Ishi.01.0081
Type : Archives Item
Author : Sogetsu Art Center
Creator : Ishida, Kazushi.
Year : 1964
AR.Ishi.01.0082 Sogetsu Art Center: new direction 6: Ticket: November, 1964
Classification : AR.Ishi.01.0082
Type : Archives Item
Author : Sogetsu Art Center
Creator : Ishida, Kazushi.
Year : 1964
AR.Ishi.01.0083 Deutsch-Japanisches Festival fur Neue Musik: Program book: February, 1968
Classification : AR.Ishi.01.0083
Type : Archives Item
Author : Goethe-institut Munchen; Deutsches Kulturinstitut Tokyo
Creator : Ishida, Kazushi.
Year : 1968
AR.Ishi.01.0084 Deutsch-Japanisches Festival fur Neue Musik: Brochure: February, 1968
Classification : AR.Ishi.01.0084
Type : Archives Item
Author : Goethe-institut Munchen; Deutsches Kulturinstitut Tokyo
Creator : Ishida, Kazushi.
Year : 1968
AR.Ishi.01.0085 Memorandum
Classification : AR.Ishi.01.0085
Type : Archives Item
Author :
Creator : Ishida, Kazushi.
Year : 1968?
AR.Ishi.01.0086 Quarterly Transonic: No 3
Classification : AR.Ishi.01.0086
Type : Archives Item
Author : Zen'on Gakufu Shuppansha
Creator : Ishida, Kazushi.
Year : 1974
AR.Ishi.01.0087 Modernism Variation: Modern and Contemporary Music History in East Asia (モダニズム変奏曲: 東アジアの近現代音楽史): by Kazushi Ishida: Tokyo, Sakuhoku-sha
Classification : AR.Ishi.01.0087
Type : Archives Item
Author : Ishida, Kazushi.
Creator : Ishida, Kazushi.
Year : 2005
AR.Ishi.01.0088 Japanese Music History after the War 1(日本戦後音楽史. 上): by Japanese Music History after the War Society: Tokyo, Heibon-sha
Classification : AR.Ishi.01.0088
Type : Archives Item
Author : Japanese Music History after the War Society
Creator : Ishida, Kazushi.
Year : 2007