Search Result : Total 187

Type Type :
자료 검색결과
2016 Title Match : Ju Jae Hwan vs. Kim Dong Kyu <starry violence dark starlight>
Classification : CA.서울시립.0103
Type : Catalogue
Author : Seoul Museum of Art
Creator :
Year : 2016
2016 Seoul Focus : NO LONGER OBJECTS
Classification : CA.서울시립.0104
Type : Catalogue
Author : Seoul Museum of Art
Creator :
Year : 2016
SeMA, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art, excavation project with northeastern art colleges : Neighbors and Strangers
Classification : CA.서울시립.0105
Type : Catalogue
Author : Seoul Museum of Art
Creator :
Year : 2016
(2015) 서울사진축제 = Seoul Photo Festival : 기쁜 우리 좋은 날 사진으로 되새기는 광복 70주년
Classification : CA.서울시립.0106
Type : Catalogue
Author : Seoul Museum of Art
Creator :
Year : 2015
2017 SeMA Artist Guild : SPECIMEN STORAGE : SeMA Storage
Classification : CA.서울시립.0107
Type : Catalogue
Author : Seoul Museum of Art
Creator :
Year : 2017
nalgae.pati exhibition
Classification : CA.서울시립.0108
Type : Catalogue
Author : Seoul Museum of Art
Creator :
Year : 2017
UK/Korea 2017-18 Creative Futures : The Art of Dissonance
Classification : CA.서울시립.0110
Type : Catalogue
Author : Seoul Museum of Art; British Council
Creator :
Year : 2017
The Self-Evolving City
Classification : CA.서울시립.0111
Type : Catalogue
Author : Seoul Museum of Art; UIA 2017 Seoul Organizing Committee
Creator :
Year : 2017
서울 시민 큐레이터
Classification : CA.서울시립.0112
Type : Catalogue
Author : Seoul Museum of Art
Creator :
Year : 2017
Classification : CA.서울시립.0114
Type : Catalogue
Author : Seoul Museum of Art
Creator :
Year : 2017